Now at Remagen, walked downtown the Rhine, booked. A boat trip to Bonn, wonderful scenery, amazing how many Germans come down to the river and have picnics and BBQ's. some of the banks of the river have been turned into mini beaches and children and dogs playing in the water. Weather very hot. Just put tv. On in hotel room, guess what? Mamma Mia, I am in heaven.
It's many, many years since I stayed in a hotel by the Rhine (when taking kids on a football tour) but, if you've not already discovered it yet, I strongly recommend trying the local white wine (which isn't produced in sufficient quantities for export, so you can only get it locally). It's gorgeous!
Hi Chris, we are going to a vineyard later in the week for tastings, got ripped off tonight though, we are all inclusive until 9.00, bought a large bottle of water tonight €4.20, what a rip off.!