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Combi H3 Boiler

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dizmouk2009 | 06:45 Mon 08th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Hey, sorry I know this is in the wrong section. My mates girlfriend yas a Combi H3 boiler and she can't get any hot water. The pressure gauge also reads 0


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im no boiler expert, but if the pressure is reading 0. the said pressure needs to be topped up.
More water needs to be let into the system - that`s why she`s getting a lock out. The pressure meter should read at about 1.5.
That's right, diz. Open the filling-loop to let more water into the system.
Yes - but be very careful about filling up...there should be an indicator on the pressure gauge which should the maximum pressure. Keep below that. Don't let it get any where near the red line.

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