I have been given a haggis ( a friend says he shot it in the Grampians) but I don't know what to do with it, and he is no help, so , how do you eat yours?
Please, please post a picture of your haggis. I have gotten conflicting information on here what really a haggis is. Some said it's inner parts of sheep, cow etc. mixed with oats and seasonings, and now you are referring to it as an animal? I am totally confused.
remove the buckshot from the Haggis and sell to the local scrap dealer, take Haggis to bin and deposit therein, go to butchers a get a leg of lamb and roast that instead.
An after thought. My local Tesco had some recipe cards for haggis spring rolls. Never made them but it looked nice. Another idea is to deep fry haggis balls in beer batter.
Every time I see or hear the word haggis I think of Haysi. Do you remember her? I remember her going on about this stuff so much that it made me curious about it up to this day.
You don't eat them, you use them as a bottle opener, if whilst opening a bottle you hear a half bell then the operation must be stopped otherwise the end of the thingie may happen.
Your friend should be ashamed of himself. Shooting any creature in the Grampians is below the belt. Just hope, for his sake, there aren't any RSPCA inspectors looking in.