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So Relieved

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sherrardk | 19:06 Fri 12th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Been to see himself today and he looks healthier than some of the staff. Feel so much better now that we have seen for ourselves just how lucky he has been (unlike the poor sod in the beds around him who weren't so fortunate).


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Great news - how long is he likely to be annoying the nurses for?
Question Author
He is hoping after the weekend but I think he is being a bit optimistic.
Really happy for you all:)
So pleased for you all......hossie food. Will do it ! Xxx
Great news,
Wishing you all the best.
very pleased for both of you
Pleased for all of you Sherr. Hope he is home soon. ♥
Sherr...I'm delighted...and you relax too if you can.....convalescing men are a pain in the wotsit....but a nice pain to have around....Gx
My best wishes to you & the family, keep strong,
Good news for you x
Fantastic. That must be a huge relief
Good news. Hope all continues to go well.
Wishing him a speedy recovery sherrardk, hoping he returns home soon x
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good evening sherrardk

i am ashamed to say i am not au-fait with this situation however, may i add my own best wishes to the others listed
So pleased he's Ok.
That's great news Sherr! I've been thinking about you today so thanks for keeping us updated, I'm sure he'll be getting under your feet in no time :)
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Thanks all (excelsior - have posted about it during the week, AB has really kept me going this week).

Have been sat here tonight thinking how lucky we have all been, those poor sods in his ward who haven't been so lucky, doesn't bare thinking about.

On the plus side, I have driven the car for the first time since Christmas (resolved the whole driving licence thing), no sat nav (couldn't work the one I borrowed, didn't realise mine was in the bloody car), couldn't print out a route so made notes. Me and the 13 year old nailed it (but didn't go on the motorway). Went in a multi-storey in my huge car for the first time ever. I felt invincible!!!! Must be getting some confidence back.

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