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Good Morning All

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janbee | 05:01 Sat 13th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Hi everyone from a very hot sticky Sussex. It's to, MAYBE, reach 33 degrees today, possibly a degree or two cooler here on the coast. I've got Bokwa 8am-9, then home, shower, change into dry clothes then off to Zumba 11-12. I'm exhausted just typing that ! xx


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morning, rather warm and muggy here, still they say it will be the hottest day so far this year, nice...
Morning em xxx I'll have it like this as long as it wants to! :o}
morning all bit chilly here but gonna be a belter later on! beer run later and may have a barby later on hope your all well
Morning all. All well I hope?
Morning bernie. Very nearly warm enough to take the gloves off isn't it. :o}
i actually left the umbrella at home yesterday, even though it looked like it was going to rain, whew ..
Morning all, the sun up, already streaming through the leaves onto the, yes, freshly cut grass (did that in the cooler weather yesterday). I think a breakfast out is in order today, and then I'll be out for a late lunch and take it from there.

Some work to do but that can wait....maybe the drawing pen but we'll see on that as there is no shade where I am thinking.
Morning DT. Time to make the most of the sunshine while we have it methinks.

em, you could always use your brolly as a parasol. :o}
Time to go and annoy some stall holders and shopkeepers.

Have a happy day everyone.
I always take a brolly to hot countries to use as a parasol when I'm out and about. Can't beat it in the desert!
Mad Dogs and English Women out in the Midday Sun comes to mind......
DT I just love Noel Coward stuff especially his quotes.

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