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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:59 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
Sunday. Another lovely day is here. Noting is moving and not a breath of breeze even. All is is peaceful and still. wonderful!

Have a happy day everyone.


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good morning all. hope you are looking forward to another scorcher.

just spent 3+ hours in garden so ready for some breakfast now.
Three hours in the garden?

Are you in a different time zone, LJ ?

It's only twenty past eight!
rowan thinking of you both and wishing you all well. xx
Morning all another nice one. Take care Rowan and be striong. Have a nice day all.
Morning Chaps

Big Hugs for Rowan - just remember that there are a few of us around the midlands who can help with any practicalities - or even just take you to the pub for a pint or two

dave xx
Time for a caffeine infusion I think - the pint of tea has lubricated me nicely, but I think the brain needs a jolt of coffee ...

... anyone got any croissants to spare

... and some apricot jam would be nice

... oooh, and is that a pain au raisin lurking in your bread bin?
right that is breakfast over and washing up done. What is next? mmmmm if it's not getting too hot may go and sweep the patio if too hot go and finish off the frames (paintings) in the workroom.

not keen on working in this heat jj so made an early start.

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