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Wtaer Puzzle

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thumper93 | 17:53 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
just seen on bbc north news that 100.000.000 ltrs of extra water is being used in yorkshire area a day. .where ? no one i know, is drinking any more than normal ,cars not been washed for 3 weeks ,it doesn't need it not washing clothes more than usual, so where is this vast amount going all i can think of is field irrigation,any clues


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People are bathing and showering more, washing more clothes, because it's so hot - watering the garden, filling paddling pools - loads of possibilities.
Did the BBC state that no one is using any extra or are those your views?

Lots of people will be bathing/showering more, filling up pools etc and Yorkshire is a vast county.
Also, they will drink more, filling up ponds and watering gardens
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my views.yes i know its vast i live there:)
good job ive got air con and work from home dont need 3 showers a day just the one
Yep, watering the garden will account for a lot of it and most people will be doing more laundry and having extra showers and baths.

To comment on it we really need to know how much of an increase this is in percentage terms. If it's a 10% increase for example that could easily be explained by watering hanging baskets, flower beds, extra showers and extra clothes washing, plus an increase in irrigation uses.
"Yorkshire Water said daily demand was currently running at 1.4 billion litres compared to normal levels of 1.3 billion litres."
About 7% increase. Not unexpected, I would say, considering the weather.
Thanks Graham. That's a fairly modest increase then and is not something the average householder would particularly notice

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