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Journalists Are Lazy

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Hopkirk | 18:49 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I keep reading about the M25 near Potters Bar melting on Sunday, even on the BBC website:

The joke is that the M25 at that place isn't tarmac, it's concrete.


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It is indeed, I hate driving that stretch.
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I think the same happened as occurred on the M11 near Harlow a few years ago. The expansion causes a block of concrete to rear up, creating a step.
We had a great one in our local paper a few weeks back - a picture of a well known Dover office block with the marina in front of it, proudly captioned "the marina at Folkestone, with the Grand Burstin hotel". I emailed their editor, he said only one other reader had noticed it....!
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Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?

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Journalists Are Lazy

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