Good morning - the heat so bad indoors and worse in evening and going near flat screen telly its pouring out a lot of heat. Does any one else notice it with there ones? Even with fan on and windows open it is so hot in the room, yes I know its the weather but these ones seem so hot compared to old tellys. Do you notice it too with yours?
My solution is to turn the TV off and listen to the radio...the pictures are better on radio ! ( and cooler, especially if you take your tranny out into the garden)
The telly is LED which I would not have thought would be as hot as a plasma screen but not had one of those, this is hot enough. What with that and computer going and probably in lots of houses being the same no wonder we cannot get cool indoors.
Got that wrong did I not its LCD ! Gingejbee it is standing on its own so has a lot of air round it. I wondered if it was certain makes get hotter or not so asked here to see if others had same problem.