Yeah but gecho are lizards wake at night, I used to keep bearded dragons, some things to be aware of, you must have a good set up with a good thermostate and a heat lamp that has a cage around it and most important that you have the right lighting and it is on at least 12 hours a day, crickets are there main food they need feeding so you will need to keep them well fed and happy as well as contained, they need to be dosed in calcium supplement before feeding, veg should be available but not to much soft veg as they get mouth rot or compacted pallette, if you get a male and female you may get eggs, would you be set up if you had a power cut? Take it from me lizards are cheapish to buy but the expence of the set up, food and supplements and chippings climbing frame are expensive, along with the sand heating bill it cost me around 60 quid a month for george and zippy,