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Speed Camera Check

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EDDIE51 | 07:37 Sun 21st Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Worried you may have passed a speed camera a bit too fast ?
Enter your reg number on the link to see if any speeding tickets are on the way


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That's rubbish. It said I was caught speeding on the 15th July but my car hasn't been driven since March.
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Its a spoof , but a good one.
I fell for it , it told me I had a ticket from Glasgow, never been within 200 miles of the place.
Ha ha ha.
Ummmm you have to click on the image ......
I have a speeding ticket from July too - I neither drive nor have a car. :-)
that's strange, I get a photo of wolf63 sprinting down the M1.
Yep, we`ve been caught speeding in London when we should have been at work in Bridlington. Hope my boss doesnt see it this. LOL
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The first time I did it it said I had been caught in a place where I really had been a few days back, I was panicking so I did it again. The second time it said I was in Glasgow that is when I realised it was a scam as I have never been near Glasgow ever.

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Speed Camera Check

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