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Caran | 14:19 Sun 21st Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
This only happens on my iPad, can anyone help please? Third time of posting this.


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Caran.... Your question is one of a Technical nature and you have posted it in Chatterbank; whereas I would have 'slapped' it into the Technology section.

Perhaps you should post for the forth time; but in 'Technology' and detail what iPad you are using, what Browser is involved, and whether your problem is encountered outside of the AB site.

what's ^^^^?
I don't understand what you asking, Caran.
What happens on your iPad?
Are you saying you submit but they don't always appear?
f-f....I think Caran is trying to tell us that she gets part way through typing a reply or a question into AB and then looses everything before hitting the 'submit' button.
Hence the reason she is typing her comments on as many as five occasions
before they are finally accepted for submission into the columns of AB.

so what's the ^^^^ mean?
Question Author
Was trying to link my two postings, I know I should have answered my own thread but I get paranoid it is going again.
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I have an apple iPad, what do you mean by what browser am I using?
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Only happens on AB.
I don't think its the ipad, I am on my second one now with no problems whatsoever. The default ipad browser is safari.
Caran, if you go to the screen that shows all the little pictures for your apps, what is written under your intranet app - mine is 'safari'c
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I use google chrome.
It happens to me sometimes too. I think it is because my hand drifts a little too high above the keypad and I catch the edge of the ad to the right of the best answer bit just under the text box for answers.

I think that makes sense......
Question Author
I do have safari, would I be better using that to get AB?
sounds like it's the layout of the screen rather than your browser...
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I have switched to safari and will see how I go, thanks for all responses.
I suspect the posts are not being lost- it's just that an ad or other AB page has taken over the screen- if you do a back arrow or minimise the ad or find the previous tab your typing may reappear
Question Author
No Factor, I tried that, nothing there.
I've stopped using chrome for AB, the webpage is constantly refreshing for some reason which causes problems when posting, the keyboard keeps disappearing so my fingers hit other things cancelling out what I've written.

Does my head in. Shame though, Chrome s much better than Safari!

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