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Have Any Of The Newspaper Astrologers Done A Chart For The New Royal Yet?

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sandyRoe | 07:27 Tue 23rd Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
It would be interesting to see how they think his life will pan out.


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I predict that poverty will not be a major setback.
He will lead a privileged life,
Women all over the world will want to marry him,
He will be king.
I'll do it.
Nursery with nannies
One of the services

Not necessarily in that order.
he might not be King, seeing as how there are still two in front. Charles hasn't got there yet, nor does the Queen look like she will step down. As to William he should succeed his father, and that could be a reign of longevity, there could be a coup and the royals are chucked out, anything could happen
he will for the foreseeable have a good, privileged life
We don't need any daft and fraudulent astrologers. I can tell you with 100% accuracy exactly what this little lads future will be like ::

He will live a life of paralleled luxury, until the day he dies.
The worlds press will hound him, just like his Grandmother, for the rest of his life.
He will be King, whether he or us wants to or not.
Etc, etc.
all the astrologers have probably retired on the strength of their substantial winnings for naming the future king
The new prince has been born in the Year of the Snake according to Chinese astrology. This is what is said about Snakes (incidentally my daughter is also a snake).

They often have a good temper and a skill at communicating but say little. They possess gracious morality and great wisdom. They are usually financially secure and do not have to worry about money. They have tremendous sympathy for others and would like to take actions to help their fellow human beings. They are determined to accomplished their goals hate to fail. Although they look calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. They have a rich source of inspiration and understand themselves well. They are people of great perception.

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Have Any Of The Newspaper Astrologers Done A Chart For The New Royal Yet?

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