To cut a long story short, yesterday I found out that my 13yr old son has been watching porn online. I dont just mean peeking at boobs and lady gardens. I mean downloading full blown pornographic films from illegal file sharing sites. Yes he did have software on his laptop to stop him accessing these things but he clearly managed to remove it. Anyhow, to say I am shocked is an understatement.And whats shocked me more was his reaction when I found out. He cannot see the problem. Says " all my mates watch it and sex is normal". Errrr yes it is but you should not be watching that type of stuff at your age. I obviously havent seen what he was watched but my husband has seen the titles and he says its pretty hard stuff. Not sure how to handle this one.
the fact that he has obviously learnt how to remove the controls and hide his tracks means he will look at this stuff whether you like it or not - trying to stop him will just cause conflict - and wont stop him - he will find a way.
all you can do is educate him about it - as ummm says, thats its acting, its not real and not to expect that kind of thing with any girlfriends he has in the future, and that real women tend not to like being spoken to as though in a porn film etc.