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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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AB Editor | 14:41 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Afternoon, you know the drill:

1. Lots-Of-Sunshine-while-not-baking-hot
2. I have a gluttonous weekend planned
3. Might be cool enough to actually sleep well this evening!

Your turn :)


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I have a dog!!

I am currently planning a holiday to scotland (speyside and Islay)

It has cooled down a bit!
1. I'm at home
2. I've just made homemade meatballs to have with spaghetti
3. I'm relaxing now
4. I've got nothing planned for the weekend which I'm glad about
Afternoon Cheery Ed.....

I. It's the cricket season.
2. My garden is beginning to take shape.....wish I was.
3. Last night my first frog visited the new ponds...he was mightily

I am only working til 4 so early dart, only 2 more days then 2 wks off yay.....
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1. I didn't run over my colleague when she stepped out in front of me when I had my driving lesson
2. I'm still breathing
3. I'm pretty close to sitting my test
4. I had a lovely moment with my cat today when he was all mooching for kisses and cuddles
1) I'm going on holiday in September.
2) I just brought a new covers for my (very first android) phone and oyster card in bright colours.
3) I just brought a kindle (actually I'm in two minds about this but I'm assured it's a good thing... and it also will have a brightly coloured cover).
4) It's nearly the weekend.
5) I have spag bol for dinner which I love, and I may buy some wine.
fatty got through his op ok, no problems and will be home tomorrow :-)
its payday (or payout day) so i bought sweeties and have a full sweetie jar
its been 137 days since i last had a cigarette :-)
Best answer to fluffster
1. New job offer to consider
2. Its sunny outside
3. Its nearly the weekend and we are going to a cat show!
1) It's sunny but not blistering so working in the garden is a pleasure
2) Mr BM has done a really good deal which could change our lives
3) My hedgie babies (and Mum) are fit and well
4) I have wine
5) I have a weekend of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING planned. No cooking, no cleaning, no rushing round for other people. BLISS.
Yesterday l was given a cheque and told to treat myself. For a couple of years now I have fancied a reclining armchair so went and bought one. It was delivered this morning and now I am sat with my feet up with tablet on my knee feeling so comfy I could fall asleep.
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Have you really Trigger? Can we have a review please? Quite fancy this kind of thing is it one which you load up with your own noises?

I have one of these:

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We have had rain
My house is clean
I will be getting a full refund on my busted floor steamer
Its cooler here too.
Well that's a minute and a half of life I'll not get back.'Kaossilator' what kind of a word's that FCS? :-P

1. We have had thunder storms and rain for the last couple of days and I am looking forward to more of the same.
2. I live in a country where I don't have to worry about stepping on a landmine, being blown up or shot at.
3. Tis Friday tomorrow so it's two and a half days with my lovely hubby and a party at #1 daughter's.

I haven't had my appointment through yet for a scan so it can't be too serious :)

My GP has given me a week off from 'giving' blood,so I can maybe show my arms soon without looking like i've had an accident :D

My very special (to me) nieces birthday soon and i'm having fun buying little gifts for her.

The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills is due to come on can't beat a bit of that lol !!

Oh...and my family are healthy , maybe not happy , but healthy...that's my most important one !

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"This time next year Ed, you and me at Tomorrowland."

Done deal.

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Reasons To Be Cheerful

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