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Is anyone geeky enough to know about Testcard music???

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Fizzgig | 20:26 Mon 06th Feb 2006 | Music
5 Answers
Please help! In the early 1990's I think, I borrowed a video of a boyfriend 'Some Like It Hot' and whilst watching it, fell asleep and when I woke up, there was a testcard on the screen. It was a screen that gently changed colours, with a 1 inch thick largish ring that also changed colour, slightly out of sync with the main screen, and there was this music playing. I accidentally taped over it with Wallace & Gromit. I know the tune, mainly trumpets, and a bit of violin but I have no idea how to find out. I don't know if it was a popular testcard as I've trawled through pictures, but if anyone can help, I would be soooooooooo grateful!!! Thanks!


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This fella might be geeky enough to know!
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Thanks for that gary baldy. I'm not even sure this is a proper testcard as such, but it was either very late 80's or early 90's. No older than that. I have asked Mr Meldrum the question, so I'll see if anything comes up. Many thanks again! God I'm such a geek!

What you've got there isn't a testcard, but the ident for the short-lived BBC Select service (a forerunner of the Learning Zone). There were quite long gaps between the progammes, so they'd keep the logo up on screen for long periods of time. I'm afraid I don't know what the music was, but knowing it was BBC Select should help.
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Oooh Jenstar thank you. I'll try that avenue and see how I get on. Many thanks.
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Just to say thank you so much jenstar. If you haven't have come on and told me it was the BBC Select ident, I never would have found it. I'm listening to it right now as I emailed someone from an Ident website and he found it for me! Can't believe that after 14 years I've finally got it! It's all down to you so thank you so so much!

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Is anyone geeky enough to know about Testcard music???

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