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A Question For Drinkers Who Also Smoke...

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sandyRoe | 13:58 Fri 26th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
...or smokers who like a tipple.
Have you ever singed your eyelashes when lighting a cigarette when you'd have a pint ot two?


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Too busy concentrating on the road ;o)
14:06 Fri 26th Jul 2013
Not really when drinking but yes when I've leaned over the gas hob when I can't find a lighter.
In the 60's I once singed my Cathy McGowan fringe when lighting a fag. Given the amount of lacquer on my hair I'm surprised the whole lot didn't go up..............
Not since the time when I tried to light up with a gas cooker.
I've almost got my eyebrow while stone cold sober... particularly large flame on lighter I was using!
Oh yes WyeDyed - lighting rollies from the gas ring when p*ssed - very dangarious :+()
Too busy concentrating on the road ;o)
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It's not just me then. That's reassuring.
When I first met my husband we both smoked. He was lighting my cigarette for me in a pub when he set light to my hair!
My mum used to roll up a piece of newspaper and stick it in the fire, to light her cigarettes.
The look of panic, as she then tried to blow it out, it was priceless. We had a lot of hearth rugs when I was a child.
Tilly are you my sister? My mother did that too.
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I knew when I couldn't sing along with this it was time to go home.
No. But i have set fire to my hair in the past :-)
Did you wonder why she didn't just throw it in the fire?

My mum used to be scared of setting the chimney on fire. We were not allowed to throw pieces of paper on the fire.
Sandy, my earworm from this morning!
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[i] in case it had wriggled away :-) [i]
in my smoking days.... *polishes halo* no, don't think i ever did. have lit the filter end, several times.....
I've had one or two "incidents", but normally when trying to light one off a cooker. Am on e-cigs now. The ability to injure myself is diminishing.
Barmaid.....but have you set fire to the e-cig yet? Old habits die hard but it doesn't smell as bad as setting fire to a plastic pen....:-( x
Years ago back in the sixties when I used to smoke gas lighters with adjustable flames had just come on the market. I've seen many a person lose their eybrows having left their ciggies and lighter on the table while they went to the bar or loo.

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