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Top Tip Of The Day.

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gness | 18:01 Fri 26th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
When shoving the dining table along to accommodate dinner guests either:
Unplug the lamp that is on the table or...
Remove the lamp to a safe and stationary place.

Otherwise, when the table slides from under the lamp you will have an almighty mess to clear up...:-( x


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Ohh! now you tell me!
I must tell Gness that - oh hang on.......
Thanks for the tip gness.
oh.........................I hope it wasn't your 'best' lamp! Not a Moorcroft one, I hope.

(Sounds like the sort of daft thing I'd do, Gness.)
My top tip is to not scoff five largeish beetroot, things are going to be errr........colourful tomorrow!
My top tip is.........when having roast chicken for tea, actually roast the chicken.
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My sewing lamp, Tilly but I'm just happy you can all benefit from my inability to see a lamp three inches from my elbow...x

It's the panic when you forget you've eaten them, Eccles...x

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