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Just Curious...what Is The First Film You Remember Seeing At The Cinema?

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sp1814 | 16:00 Tue 30th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Apparently the first film I was taken to see was 'Bambi', but I have no recollection of that.

The first film I actually remember seeing was 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks...and I kicked up a HUGE fuss...fidgeting and moaning, because the tv advert showed all the cartoon-y bits, but for the first 30 minutes of the film it was all boring live action scenes set in Scotland.

Blatant false advertising.



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Bednobs and Broomsticks come to mind for me too, can remember seeing Love Story with Ryan O'Neal, but the film that sticks out most of all is The Exorcist - nearly frightened me to death.

Last Tango in Paris,
but it was a long time ago,
I mean, I could be wrong!
It might have been Bambi.
Not much difference, Baldric, lol!

There were some small furry things in it,
If that helps at all?
Similay think with me Baldric, Emmanuel and Mary Poppins. Confusing isn't it lol.
How old were you when you saw Emmanuel, tony?
Errrrrrrrrm, can't remember, cupid lol.
Furlew is The Court Jester the film with Danny Kaye and the vessel with the pesell is the brew that is true bit in it ?
Taste of fear does any remember or indeed know anything about it .I think this guy appeared underwater in in a swimming pool in a wheel chair
That's it scary then but that's 52?years ago
It was Patton, I was 5 years old. My Grandad (who I guess was on babysitting duty that day) must have wanted to see it and took me along.
No idea if they did certifications in 1970 and even if they did he must have had a word with the staff in order to let me in.
I remember roughly 10 seconds worth of it, if that.
Snow white.
Sandy if you didn't have a Davy Crocket hat you couldn't play. One of my aunties had one of those old fox stole things the granny used to wear that she cut up and made me one. I was the envy of the "gang" as my hat had the animals face at the front and a long bushy tail. Happy days playing out all day without an X-Box or smart phone in sight.
Star wars for me and then the next year Grease! I went and saw that 14 times lol. Mad to think I was only 8 or 9 but would go with some mates and get on the Central Line tube to go and see it!! Wouldn't let an 8 year old do that on their own now!

Lisa x
My first film, well I think it was the first is, One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing.
I think it may have been "The Young Ones". Did I just admit to that?
Tarzan's Three Challenges at the cinema in Ormskirk up Church Street., (Not the pivi on Moorgate) must have been about 1964 I think
Jungle Book. Still like to watch it with the grandkids.
I think it was "Pollyanna" with Hayley Mills. I have just looked it up and it was released in 1960, when I was 7, so I think I am right.

The next one I remember was "101 Dalmations" the following year. My Mum and I queued up all afternoon to see it, somewhere in the West End.

The film I remember most clearly though was "How the West Was Won" in in 1962. I remember it chiefly because it was played was on a curved screen, using the Cinerama process. Heady entertainment for a 9 year old !

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