My brother in law had a farmer come to him with a poor claim. He said "Right , Mr Davies, that will be £5,000 before I move a muscle" The man decided against suing. That robust, common sense, approach is lacking now. Claims farmers, through their agents, will issue proceedings in the expectation that cowardly insurers will offer a 'go away' settlement.They know that they can't lose, the rules being written so much in their favour. This may have changed a little with the new rules, but I doubt whether it will change much.Under the old system, pre " no win no fee", you'd be denied legal aid unless the case was winnable. With private clients, you'd find some whose case got to counsel. That was time for the classic "You'll be pouring money down the drain, but I don't mind because I am the drain" advice. It usually worked. If it didn't , and they lost but wanted to appeal, you'd say "Sir, I'd like to breed from you!" The numbers who went that far were very small.