The bottom line surely is the fact the Russian people voted for Putin in a big way. They have never had any form of democracy as we see it and in many ways they like it that way. It's an ordered society, everything was and to a lesser extent still is proscribed.
An example of a similar mindset is East Germany. East Germans are seen by the West Germans as lazy and lacking in inititve. Many of the older EGs
look back at the poor but guaranteed regimented lifestyle. Your school, home , job was set out from your nursery school days where selection first took place. Since they have had their freedom many have found it difficult to cope.
The nearest we have to that situation is our benefit dependent sector. The point is there are many countries which like a strong leadership and don't want too much freedom. Even we have embraced more and more state control, but we also complain at the soft policies of our government= and would like our leaders to be more tough.
The last century saw the rise of 'democratically' elected dictators. Africa is full of them . Putin is what the Russians want at the moment , they were not enamoured with freedom.