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Eve | 18:35 Sun 04th Aug 2013 | Animals & Nature
26 Answers
I lost my beautiful cat last week, I'm heartbroken. The house just feels so empty without her, even walking up the street to home as she'd almost always come running out to meet me.

I remember a post not long ago, by Answerprancer I think? Saying they had found a cat after an accident and took it to the vets and were looking for the owner. I just wanted to say I am so incredibly grateful for the person who took my cat in. The vets phoned me after finding her microchip. I saved me a lot of extra heartbreak had I found her myself (I can't even imagine that) or her just never coming home and me never knowing, I'd have been frantic.


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Aaw, sqad. Quite a softie, really?
Oh Eve I'm so sorry, what a horrible thing to happen. We invest so much love in our Furries because they give such a lot back with no hidden agenda and when they go it's just heartbreaking. I'm really so sorry for you :(
My sincere condolences to you Eve.
So sorry to read this Eve. I experienced the same many years ago when a neighbour brought my cat to me.
Its times like this I am glad my deaf boy is an indoors moggy. (((Hug)))
So sorry for your loss Eve.
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Thank you all x

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