Proof of the superiority of English over French? We haven't got an Academie Francaise [sorry, I don't do accents on here!]. We cheerfully accept foreign words from everywhere, if they meet a need, because English is adaptable. Not for us rules that foreign words and phrases in adverts have to have translations in small print at the bottom of the ad. If we had such a body, bungalow would be 'single storey house' and not one word. Nor do we have clumsy rendering of foreign words into our language.But the Academie is swimming against the tide. Years ago I went to buy a video recorder in France. The official word was magnetoscope. I asked for one. The bemused assistant replied " Ah, video"! (And if you have time, look up 'anti-clockwise' in a French dictionary. The 'proper' French phrase amounts to 'in the opposite direction to the clock')