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I'm Sad Too, Excel!

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gness | 19:15 Sun 11th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just been offered two free tickets for the Green Man Festival and can't go.
Share a shoulder?......x


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Why not?
fancy a coffee, iam sad as well
Whats the Green Man Festival, gness ?.

Anything to do with this ?.

oh gness - that is truly unfortunate

let us drink together (you too, fraser)
A sweetcorn thread, tony?
Question Author
Shoota...I'm beginning to worry about you if you think bare bums are the answer to all our woes...x
Doing other things, Psyb...
Have a google's in Brecon.

Right...drinks all round... or a coffee Fraser...and I have a box of snazzy tissues I have been saving for a special occasion.....x
You divest your worries and woes along with your clothes G.
I know the punch line's the jolly green giant at your mercy, but what's the question?
if you fancy something a bit stronger iam up for it gness!!
A sweetcorn thread, tony?

Aaarrrrggggg, I never gave it a thought.
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Rubbish, Shoota....I need clothes to hold in the bits that didn't wobble when I was sixteen! Wobbling worries me....x

Your on Fraser...what's yours? x
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Or...You're on can all tell I've started but truth is I'm hurrying to protect a froglet..bye for now...x
will have a whisky chaser and a cider please!
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A man after my own heart, Fraser....good on you and cheers! x
cheers gness who have cheered me up, we need a good drink!!
Question Author
Fraser...let's get tipsy together and I will sing to you...requests? x
I can't think of anything how about u gness?
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Show me the way to go home........I'm tired and I want to go to coming to mind, Fraser...I have to get up in the middle of the night to let the gardener in......... I hope he is wearing shorts to compensate for my discomfort. ;-)

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I'm Sad Too, Excel!

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