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What's The Best "hi-Fi" ?

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FredPuli43 | 20:58 Sun 11th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I only want to play classical music on it, in the main. Don't need massive output and speakers set in concrete! Room is about 8 metres, 25 feet, by 6 metres, 19 feet, and not full of soft furnishings. Years ago, I had Quad, with electrostatic speakers; shows how old I am! Doubt if that is still made. Have had Bang and Olufsen, but they are just pricey and for those more interested in looks and gadgetry than sound.

Any ideas?


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Another name then Fred - Arcam. I have no peronal experience of them but a friend of mine who is a musicologist will not stop raving about his set up. If you can find a Richer sounds within travelling distance they are worth a visit and are difficult to beat on price.
23:33 Sun 11th Aug 2013
It you want something neat and tidy with good sound, maybe something from the Bose Wave range?
I love my Bose system.
"Best"? Depends on your budget and how the music is stored at the moment.
Any one brand "system" is unlikely to give you the best "sound per pound".
....if you have a Richer Sounds branch handy, it's a very good place to get advice...and they are not "pushy".
According to those that supposedly know what they are talking about ... have voted the best system for 2013 ...

You did'nt mention budget did you ?
Fred...I have a Bose and the sound is fantastic...I play a lot of classical and Joan Baez of course, and I just love it.
Richer sounds do a range called Cambridge which are budget audiophile and I can recommend them.
Also NAD (New Acoustic Dimension) perform ecellently and were the 'best buy' when I was an audio freak.
Still using a NAD amp after 37 yrs.....
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Budget? I will run to a few thousand, but I am not interested in salesmen's commission or having more than is necessary for my demands. I want the best sound, to fill the room, and no more.
Well then go with the Bose..
Another name then Fred - Arcam.
I have no peronal experience of them but a friend of mine who is a musicologist will not stop raving about his set up.
If you can find a Richer sounds within travelling distance they are worth a visit and are difficult to beat on price.
I bought a sony cd player and separate amp many many moons agao, and it is still going strong.
If you want to run to a few thousand, you are wasting your money in buying something that is going to be played in a relatively small space..
Naim if your budget stretches (lucky you)

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