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Fao Gness

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Stephen_G | 19:27 Tue 13th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
RE your daughter formerly of Yeovil.

Big Sis lives in Combe Park. Used to live in Greenwood Road (Just off Larkhill Road) - married quarters for the Air Station. She works in St. Gildas Primary School, and formerly of Thomas Cook.


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Yeovil, btw.
Hi Stephen...daughter lived on St.John's Road. I loved her little house and the was a really friendly place and the tip was fantastic! Guys who helped you unload...not like Kettering where you get a grunt and telling off.
She's a geologist and landed the job of her dreams in Exeter and, much as she liked Yeovil, I really worried about the drive in the winter so I helped her move...financially and lifting all the blasted rocks that geologists don't have an unmarried relative about thirty do you?...Only I need a son-in-law.;-)
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30 year old for a son-in-law? Don't think so. We drove down to Weymouth one night, and the fog was so thick that visibility was down to about 25 metres. Single carriageway and unlit. That was an adventure.

I love it down there and will be visiting for a few days in October. We're off to Cardiff again for the Opening Ceremony and first two games of the Rugby League World Cup. Can't wait.
you sound like my step-son & his father in law stephen!

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