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Kilts Everywhere

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joggerjayne | 23:45 Wed 14th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
... in ponky London today.

Well, mostly around Baker Street and around Marylebone, down to the north side of Oxford Street.

I haven't checked the score yet.


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You only went there to meet scotsmen
Question Author
It's a fair kop.
Looks like I killed you thread,sorry.
Sleepy now, nite nite, Jj.
they're just metrosexuals, you won't see many of them in quaint little seaside villages, hence the name.
I've just seen 2 kilt wearing jocks in the bagel shop in Stoke Newington
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Svejk ...

I don't think you killed the thread.

I think we all just went to sleep.

J x
When can we have our men back jj ? ..let them the right thing !
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Just seen the match report.

Quite a close game.

Wonder how those Scots chaps ended up in Stoke Newington (wherever that is!)

Is it where Gray wrote his Elegy In A Country Churchyard?

Or am I thinking of Stoke Poges?
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Minty, if they've come all the way down to London, now the game is over, they should come down to Brighton for the day.

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