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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:06 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
138 Answers
Thursday. Down to the canal again today. I'm doing the charter this time. It was busy in the Heritage Centre yesterday, Lots of visitors spending money. Wonderful! :-) It all helps.

Have as happy day everyone.


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Morning Lady J - you could come and fill in all these product lines - I am hoping that the push today and price inputting tomorrow has that job finally cracked. Discovered yesterday, they only have 1/3rd of their outlets e-mails (for a store locator map) so a push needed there - probably by seeing if they have web sites first and then calling.............
that sounds fascinating DTC
Good morning, I hope you all have a lovely day.x
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thanks cupid. think most early birds have already been here and gone to catch their worms.
Jordyboy, congratulations on learning to do links. I've still to learn. I still keep getting in a two and eight, lol!x
Morning all, from a wet West Mids.
Cupid, I can't believe you haven't got This link business sorted yet, it's easy honestly.
tony, I've got it all written down, step by step and I can't get past step one.
You've obviously got it or you haven't and I haven't. Thanks for all the help you've tried to give me.x
Ok cupid, you keep on making your music requests and i'll keep putting them on for you ;-)
i can't manage it either cupid. not sure where i go wrong but i do. fortunately there are lovely people tony around to post requests.

You hum it cupid, we'll play it!

Morning lj, just for you then. x
I like that song tony, from the Notebook, but I think someone different sung it!
This one, cupid.
Thanks tony, but I actually like the Jewish bloke singing it, but can't think of his name.
Right then cupid, it's gotta be this one then.
Thanks tony, that's the one. I wept buckets watching the film. Didn't think I'd like it because not a fan of James Garner, but it was brilliant.
Yes cupid, Mrs av and my two daughters liked it to ! bloody chick flick.

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