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Poetry In Law?

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FredPuli43 | 09:32 Wed 14th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Professor Lavinia Greenlaw, a poet, is "Poet in Residence" to a firm of solicitors.

Any suggestions as to suitable short verses for lawyers? Care to write one?


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There was a young lawyer called Fred Whose wig sat quite nice on his head From Bow to Southend He was "ma learn-ed friend" But he'd rather ride horses instead.
20:53 Wed 14th Aug 2013
big fleas have little fleas, etc

(solicitors charging)

Shakespeare: Henry Vi - the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers

that's onluy one line but you can imagine how it goes on
-- answer removed --
There was a young lawyer called Fred
Whose wig sat quite nice on his head
From Bow to Southend
He was "ma learn-ed friend"
But he'd rather ride horses instead.
Question Author
Well, who else could I have given 'best answer ' to ? :) Flattery will get you anywhere, unless by "young lawyer", you meant 'was, 40 years ago', BM
There was a young man named Fred
who used to wear briefs in bed.
Do you want a mareva ?
You better believe her,
Butter a Pillar order will do it instead.

Needs work
Question Author
Wrong in line 2 PP! Impressive technical detail though. It always amused me that the Mareva injunction originated in a case about a ship, but was mostly encountered in divorce cases.(I am easily amused) Our Victorian ancestors, reforming the High Court, lumped Probate, Divorce and Admiralty into one division. They were prescient, though at the time they probably thought of all three as involving terminal wrecks

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