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browndmb | 10:42 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Computers
10 Answers
No sound when doing anything games or mail etc
Friend was having a look at it and maybe disabled it but as am not too up with the workings any help appreciated


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I'm assuming you've checked the silent sitch in the side. Do you get sound if you watch a Youtube video or similar?
Switch, not sitch!
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No sound with iTune my worry is that will I be able to FaceTime my son in Australia
Is it new, has it ever had sound?
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It is just under a year old and remember the swoosh yesterday sending email. I had visitors last night and they were playing about with it but if they have reset or whatever I do not know what to fix or look at
Is there sound when you plug headphones in?
there's a slidey switch in the corner of one long end that can turn sound on and off, also two rocker switches that adjust the volume, start there.
Please confirm that the volume control is not turned all the way down.
chrisgel, the Op may not know how to do that, which is why i described where the switches are.
Check in Settings/Sounds that Change With Buttons is set to ON. Then you should be able to adjust volume with the volume bar on the side of the iPad

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