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jubo | 19:28 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Crosswords
11 Answers
rift valley's ??u escarpment
e??? pursued by a bear
nano-curie, n?i
lick-spittle, min??n
t??n and gown
thanks for any help


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town and gown
2) exit pursued by a bear - stage direction in The Winter's Tale
3. nci
emu heights (escarpment) New South Wales?
Mau Escarpment (Great Rift Valley)
Well done, Captain! Is that connected in some way with the Mau Mau in Kenya?
Fred this is what I found.

The Mau Escarpment is a fault-scarp running along the western edge of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. The top of the escarpment reaches approximately 3000 m (10,000 ft) above sea level, and is over 1000m higher than the floor of the Rift Valley.
Thanks, Captain. Info filed away in the grey matter!

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