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Coldicote | 22:37 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | Health & Fitness
9 Answers
I am cursed with shingles across my chest and left side and am taking prescibed pain-killer tablets which are nearly all used up. What treatment have other had? Can anyone suggest a soothing cream or ointment that might help? Thanks.



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Have you been to your GP and got some anti-viral medication ?
If not, please do go asap. And get some more painkillers when you go.

I had shingles many years ago before anti-virals and it was a miserable illness.
I took very large amounts of vitamin B complex which I think was helpful.
Otherwise it was/is rest and lots of painkillers .
(Take your painkillers regularly. Don't wait for the pain to get bad. )
Good luck.
A friend has suffered also and he was prescribed patches 12 hours on and 12 hours off.
if you cant see gp. pharmacist will advise,
Sounds as though you have missed the "anti-viral boat"....should be given within 3 days of the onset of the rash.

Caladryl is a soothing cream.
Oh and while you're tingling,
you can read online biog of Edgar Hope Simpson who was the Cirencester GP (yes GP) who established the idea/theory that it was reactivation of chicken pox.

He was my father's senior partner, (1945) [I jest not] and outlived both my Dad AND his successor ! Christ what did he die at 120 ? Almost......
I had shingles on the side of my head and in my ear years ago and was prescribed Zovirax cream (that was before you could buy it over the counter)
Poor you - I've just kind of recovered and just heard of a freind who's come down with it - could it be something triggering it off, the very warm weather perhaps? Anyhow - good old-fashioned calamine lotion patted on and allowed to dry.
And showers - both hot and cold helped take my mind off it.
And baths - oddly, a hot soak, with lots of cooking salt and bicarb (soap not needed) - then drip dry then add the calamine.
Avoiding clothes (!)
Simple hayfever tablets work well but they completely zonk me so I don't really like them. The doc prescribed an anti-irritant with a long name that knocked me stupid for two days - which I didn't like but you might. Amine-something-tartrate.
It will pass, so hang on in there, keep yourself distracted and take it easy. I found it a very tiring experience, i suppose because it disrupted my sleep so much - slept like a log once the blisters went down. It will take a long time to see the end of the scabs and healing skin, and once the scabs are dry try a good vitamin E oil which has helped mine to not pucker up and itch as much. As well as just being nice to use on your skin in general.

Look after yourself, and watch lots of telly.
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Very grateful for all your thoughts and suggestions about this, thank you. Yes I did see my Doc. and had some anti viral med, but only for a few days and now have co-cordamol pain killers. The rash is subsiding but the pain can still be a be troublesome. Caladryl and zovirax sound interesting - I've some recollection of using Zovirax years ago for cold sores. I haven't tried calamine yet, but will visit my local phamacy.

How are you doing Coldi? Any sign of the end of the tunnel?

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