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Happy Birthday Claude Debussy

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ChillDoubt | 00:13 Thu 22nd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Nice one, Google:



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Agreed, very good - thanks for the heads-up. ChillDoubt :-)
sacreledge to comemerate a composer & not play his music. Claire de Lune for me please as I cant paste with this android
It is Clair de Lune
thankyou Mamya x
Love googles tribute to Debussy .
Happy birthday Debussy. Thank you for the music.....
I agree, lovely way to start the day
Oh darn it, I forgot to send him a card. I bought it, wrote it, stamped it but DUH! forgot to post the thing. Happy birthday Claude ...
his name was Achille-Claude isn't that lovely, i learnt that yesterday after reading a book that he features in. Lovely music.

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Happy Birthday Claude Debussy

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