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Just A Mini Rant !!!!!!!!

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anneasquith | 14:34 Thu 22nd Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
fairy liquid, is not as good as it once was, :(


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And i don't think domestos kills all known germs anymore either...
nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
Mummy Mummy,why are your hands so soft,is it because you use Fairy Liquid??? No you silly little girl, Its because I am only fourteen,now go and finish your Pot noodle....
I've started using Fairy Platinum and I think it's great (not that I wash up much - I have a dishwasher).
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I have a dishwasher....................but sometimes hes busy :)
I love Fairy Platinum! Brilliant stuff.
Anne....the mechanical kind never answers back. :o)
Eh? What's Fairy Liquid? Oh, I see from google that it's liquid detergent for washing up. Damn silly idea. What's wrong with soap that you peel from a bar? It'll never catch on. It's as daft as having some machine to make toast.
Judicious that the word Hands that .......can be soft as your face or summit like that
Is 1001 still a big big bargain ?
And does flash clean your floor without scratching? [Scottish accent]
I buy from a local warehouse, Fairy Professional, twice as thick and lasts for ages.
if you use the original fairy which is much thicker than all these new poncy Fairy ones, its still okay. But Which magazine voted Magnum [ I think that's its name] from Aldi or Lidl as the best value for money and its like the original formula & good.

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