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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:31 Sat 24th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
Saturday. Rain during the night but stopped now. I hope it stays that way, I'm on the canal today.

What have you got planned for the weekend?

Have a happy day whatever you do everyone.


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Morning all. Hope you're all well.
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albs! Just in time! :o} I'll phone you when I get back home. xxx
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Morning naomi. xxx Gotta go! Sorry!!
Have a good day Boaty xx

(wonder if saltmarsh lamb will be on the menu? :o) )

Morning Naomi x
All well with you?

All well with me :-)

Have a good day, WBM.
judging from the way a seagull is perched on my neighbours roof, I think it's constipated.
ALBA!!! Where the chuff have you been hiding missus, we,ve missed ya x
blurdy technology Slappy, blurdy technology :-D

No network coverage on ye dongle, 'please move to an area with coverage' was the message for just over a week.
Monaco sounded appealing, fancy joining me to get away from the snow and the gales?
Glad you're back flower. Similar issues this week here with the gales and snow, took me 5 attempts to get a skype call with the memsahib last night!

Monaco sounds lovely, but I'd rather Spa this weekend. Off to France for ten days when I get back in October....really looking forward to it
Morning all - the sun is coming through, family on the way down here but I am betting that having left at 4am from the Lakes and normally 7-8 hours, I would be surprised to seeing them before 2 it will take 5 hours at least from Bristol down. A few days of food and wine coming.
What part of the Lowlands do you dislike the most, alba?
I bet you're looking forward to 10 days of fine food and plonk Slappy :-)

Morning DT xx
Hope the family enjoy their few days of food and wine too
Don't mind the lowlands :-)
I'm offski to kick-start my day, bin out, pooch wriggling then a little retail therapy is beckoning.

Take care folks xxxxxx
there's a joke coming - where do the stories get told against?
morning all, no Tesco broadband yesters just an apologetic/ pathetic message on their helpline to say sorry and they were trying to fix it.
Its raining here was going to do a boot sale but there is one on Monday so now I will aim for that. Hope you all have a great weekend whatever the weather, off for the papers next and then a nice lazy day, did a mega house clean yesters.
Have a good day, Dee and you too, Alba
Morning. Il pleut. lots.
Have you been camping, barmaid? The pleut's just moving away from us.
Yes we went last weekend Boxy. Only for one night though. Of course it pleuted whilst we were putting the tent up and then again when we were sat in the middle of a field on top of a hill waiting for the fireworks to start.
a message for murraymints, iam home safe and well and had a good time. hope u had a good day as well.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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