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Ladies, Stay Away

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marval | 16:32 Mon 26th Aug 2013 | Jokes
2 Answers
A man of 35 years old was getting married for the third time.

His prospective bride learned that it was to be his third such trip, and naturally asked him what happened to his first two wives.

He told her that his first wife died of mushroom poisoning.

She agreed that was rather tragic, but what did his second wife die of?

"Well, she died of a fractured skull."

"Oh, how terrible," says she, "how come she died of a fractured skull?"

"Because she wouldn't eat the mushrooms," he answered.
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Not a fun guy!
16:34 Mon 26th Aug 2013
Not a fun guy!
A Mushroom walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender says "No way! We don`t serve your kind here!" The mushroom says "Ahh come on, I`m a Fungi!

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Ladies, Stay Away

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