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can i place an lcd above a real working fireplace

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flappylips | 11:14 Thu 16th Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
hi, can anyone tell me if placing an lcd above mt working fireplace is safe? i am limited to space and this would be the ideal area. i do have a wide slate mantel to sheild the heat. has anyone done this ?


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You'll notice vents on the top of the LCD just behind the top most part of the screen. If you put your hand (or a thermometer) in this area while it's on you'll be surprised at the amount of heat coming out. The LCD must be maintained at relatively cool temperatures to achieve anykind of long life. I would expect a shortened life for the screen if subjected to additional heat from your fireplace...

Check the operating temperature in your TV manual if you already have one ( if not check a few downloaded manuals, just saw one that specified 41-104 degrees farenheit)

Then put a thermometer where you want to place it and see if it exceeds that with the fire running.

Different chimneys will have different degrees of insulation so you can't tell without measuing it.

PS don't forget you still will have to get power and a signal to the set

is flappylips allowed for a name cos its asking for it. do you prefer flappy or lips. i wanted to be donkeydick but i didnt think it would be allowed
oops sorry jake the peg

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can i place an lcd above a real working fireplace

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