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I Just Imagined The Difference Would Be Much Greater...

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janzman | 19:05 Tue 27th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
...I don't post many parcels (or letters for that matter) so my trip to the PO today was something of a novelty. My parcel was 'medium' size .If I was told 2nd class was £5.20 I would have quessed 1st class was about £7.75,but no,1st class is £5.65,a difference of just 45p.I just find that somewhat surprising, don't you????


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It's really complicated these days - it all depends on a combination of size and weight.
I find the pricing system mystifying. For example, I send lots of packages by Special Delivery. (They're full of completed questionnaire from my casual work interviewing users of the National Cycle Network). Up to 2000g costs £11.00 but a single gram extra pushes the price up to £25.80.

Fortunately though, I don't have to pay it because the packages are sent under a 'response licence', with the survey company paying at the other end. However it still seems a massive jump to me!
chris - if you 'were' paying you could slice bits off the edges to get it down to the right weight. :-)
That sounds like a very drastic slimming technique to me, Wolf!
I am way past the cuddly stage myself. I know that my feet are down on the floor but haven't seen them lately. I noticed today that my little Tom cat Frankie is pregnant or getting tubby - at least he can blame the steroids that he has to take. He is solid muscle, he tells me that anyway.
I have had items through the mail,some sent back,which cost more to return than when sent to me.suppose firms get 'mates rates'

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