My mum has a huge Fox that has taken up residence in her back garden. It literally lives there. She is scared to death to leave her back door open just incase it wants to venture inside, she also has her grandsons in the school holidays but will not let them play out. The fox has no fear, it will not move until you get really close to it and we are more scared of the fox than the fox is of us. I have been on the RSPCA website but cannot find a phone number for them. Can anyone help.
She's lucky to have foxes, Rosie. Why do you think they want to attack humans?
Don't waste time with the RSPCA, try the National Fox Welfare Association. I'm assuming want to encourage it to move on rather than harm it, don't you?
"Vermin". Oh dear, there are things considerably more verminous than foxes around.
OMG no, i would not want to harm it, if i thought that they would catch it and put it to sleep i would not report it, that said, it's my mum thats terrified. If the fox came into the house it would finish her off. She lives alone so would panic. Thanks to all that replied.