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Bl***y British Gas!!

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excelsior-1 | 17:51 Thu 29th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

my annual service is overdue - at the beginning of july i spoke to a female at their offices and booked the engineer visit for this afternoon, it was the earliest date she could give me

i specifically told her i would not be home till 1530, and she made a point of noting that on the appointment

i got home this afternoon, and have been waiting - i finally phoned them just now, and was told the engineer came at 1345, despite the arrangement made

to say i am annoyed is an understatement, and now a new appointment has been made for the end of october -- i have told the operator that the visit must be as early in the morning as possible because on that day i shall leave for work at noon, and he has made a note of this

would anybody care to take bets on the engineer getting it right next time?


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If you need a service Excel, old chum, would a trip to Soho not be preferable?
as early in the morning as possible will probably turn out to be 11.59
I had many problems with BG and their service plan. When my boiler died of old age I got a new one from a local plumber and it has a five year warranty.

BG are a joke.
Send the engineer a leaflet explaining the differences between a 12 hr and 24 hr clock. A friend of mine twice missed a plane because she thought 1600 hrs was 6 0'clock. :o)
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the boiler is only a few years old, so i am not too concerned about the time scale as such - it is just the level of incompetence displayed by the engineer

given the size of the company, and the fact that they are charging me (and everyone else) a small fortune - and raking in immense profits to boot, i would have expected a little more professionalism
If you are on a service contract, they've got you by the s&c's. They know you have to take whatever service ( or lack of it) they choose to dish out.
I'll bet if this service was a one-off, they'd be there at the time you book.
They will never, never give a specific time even though you request it. It always has to be 8-1 or 1-6 which is why I always arrange it on my day off !! Annoying just to stay in waiting which could be the end of each of these shifts.
Ive had them ring me up twice in the last month saying my service is overdue which I know it itsnt, cos its September. They ask if I would like to make an appointment over the phone. No way am I telling them when I will and will not be in !! I always book it online and mentioned this, and both times they remarked they would send me an email to do this, which still hasnt arrived.

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Bl***y British Gas!!

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