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S'not Fair

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sherrardk | 22:31 Mon 02nd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
One more day of the summer holidays, managed to keep the kids entertained and was just planning on having a bit of me time on Wednesday (before I embark on tidying up the complete mess my house has become) and now I've for a stinking cold. S'not fair :(


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Snot being the operative word.
Ahh b*gger, poor you, Hugs.
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I'm quite cross about it actually, I am rarely poorly. Probably need to sort out my vitamins and stuff, can't spend all winter catching colds.
Boo :0( theres defo a bug doing the rounds near me! Everyones feeling rubbish! Colds too! Change in the weather etc xx
imagine the trauma parents of the school in Leyland are suffering, 4 little darlings decided to torch their high school yesterday, all kids were due back today, half the school has burnt to the ground.
Just stay north of the border Tinks, we're all fine here!! lol
Surely that's not a problem to a member of the MULTI-TASKING gender ?

Task 1. Coping with cold
Task 2. Me time
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It's probably just stuff catching up with me and I have been thinking about a major tidy up (it's probably caused by pre-traumatic stress disorder at the number of bin bags I am going to fill).
I've had a rotten cold for a week now, not good enough.

Dot, saw that on the local news, the pranks they pull to get out of going back to school, little monkeys!!
Aww, last thing you need after everything that's been going on :( Have you got any vitamin C? Hope it clears up quick, you definitely deserve some you time x
Indeed it isn't Sherr, poor you. Do the house at your leisure and then still get the time for you, only longer and better xx.

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