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llamekuf | 17:59 Wed 04th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Does anyone know how this would be written in French please -

" and have you cancelled the Direct Debit and returned the money you have received and are receiving "

Please help.



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Et vous avez annulé le débit direct et retourné l'argent que vous avez reçu et que vous recevez

You can't always translate English into french word for word. The correct French translation you require is:

Avez- vous annulé le débit direct et et retourné l'argent que vous avez reçu et reçoivent ?"
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Thank you very much ALSTON and KRISTALB.
not to be picky but there's one too many "ets" in KristalB's answer
Alston's version is correct. "Recevez" is the right way to say "are receiving" in the vous form.
gem_mother: the original sentence does not include 'vous' when referring to the 'receiving'. (you have already used the 'vous' in the passe compose - to qualify the verb to receive ) - Without going into the depths of French Grammar my translation is the grammatically correct French way. At least I hope it is, as French is my maternal tongue and would be quite embarrassing if I was wrong. LoL
I read this like Alston that the 'you' covers both the past and present actions, so "the money you have received and (you) are (still) receiving". There is no third person plural subject mentioned in the English sentence to merit the 'ent' ending. We'll have to agree to disagree on the interpretation of the original!
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Thank you also JNO and GEM-MOTHER.

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