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murraymints | 15:06 Sun 08th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just had lunch ...been to castle of mey today.....nice wee cottage ! Bit dull here still being eaten by beasties ! Hope you are all being good !..xx


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tone you old charmer
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When are you due back, minty ?.
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Time to move .....please say hi to all the usual suspects in the GMEB thread xxx

tone you old charmer

LOL, takes one to know one, bernie.
i know LOL
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Just caught me...Tuesday I think tone....get the bunting out ..chill the wine....make sure there's bacon and broon in !!
Will do minty, we'll have a party.
glad you are having a good time, hurry back to the good morning thread we are missing you x

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