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Interview Questions To Ask

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Bob906 | 12:34 Sun 08th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I am going for an interview for a new job at an Opticians, what questions can i ask about the company and my work, apart from money and hours.

Thanks in anticipation


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I would ask if there were any prospects of advancement/promotion, etc.
I've always thought asking at interview about pay etc not to be quite the way to go. If you can, do some research on the company (if it's a chain). Perhaps you could ask about career progression possibilities or training opportunities. You might get better answers on this subject in the jobs and education topic where those interested in this kind of question tend to look. Good luck anyway.
Research the company on the internet and work out some questions that show you are interested in them. And NEVER ask about money!
Training? Any exams you could study for? Opportunities to take on additional responsibilities when you are ready?
If it's a small opticians ask about numbers of customers, possible profile of customer base, etc
Will the salary see you through the month ?

Are the Management short-sighted ?

Will they let you make a spectacle of yourself ?

[Sorry, I'll get my coat]
ask them what their vision for the future is, but in a serious tone, i sense of humour is always good. You should really be researching the franchise to see if it has branches you may be sent to, also ask if they do home visits.
You could ask about the area you would be working in (depending how large the opticians is).

If somewhere like Specsavers then you could be on the shop floor helping customers, dealing with fittings, assisting with people needing glasses or contact lenses or even up in the place that deals with the making of the new lenses and fitting them in, say like Vision Express where they do them in an hour.

Some staff seem to do some of the initial tests before you see the optician themselves.

Some opticians also deal with eye problems, we have a Red Eye service up here where certain opticians will see people who have minor eye problems, like if someone comes in with a sore red irritated eye, and they can prescribe certain drops and such.
What importance do they put on people skills in their staff? That should give 'em something to go on about.

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