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Good Morning All Xx

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janbee | 05:23 Mon 09th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
84 Answers
Hello from a very wet Sussex. How are you all today? xx


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Morning bernie. Very remiss of me. I do apologise mate. I'm fine for a wet Monday ta. You OK? :o}
yes m8 no work for 3 weeks but plenty to do before we fly out thurs weather permitting of course
By then you will be ready for a break then mate! Still; it has to be done. I'm going over to the lovely town of Nailsworth this morning. It's the nearest place with a launderette that can do a king sized winter duvet. But I will do a bit of shoplifting while it's washing. :o}
Coming of the back of a 9/4 winner Im going for elusive gold 2 .30 Brighton Is not life grand, Happy Monday That would a good name for a pop group?

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Good Morning All Xx

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