Sometimes friendships just simply run their course, i'm sure most of us can relate.It hurts, but it's life, don't go seeking for answers as often there aren't any.
dizmo was the receipt the girlfriend found for booze ? their relationship is doomed to fail but ask yourself when that happens taking everything into consideration do you really want him back as a friend ? he deserted you in time of need. Did he cause any problems for you & yours when you were together ? only answer if you want to, hope today goes well for you.
Dee Sa: The receipt may or may not of been for alcohol I don't know. It is doesn't really matter though as she is fully aware of his serious addiction to alcohol. He never caused any problems when I was with my wife. Each and everyone of us are independent so even had he enticed me into doing something it still would of been down to myself to make up my own decisions. He came here and chose to do what he did, I didn't force him and didn't buy alcohol for him.
I was drinking with him but I could turn this around and say that he made me drink. Since I was sober for nearly 2 weeks before he arrived. He didn't make me drink, that was my choice and clearly I wasn't strong enough to say no. He has to take responsibillity for what he does and other people around him such as his girlfriend need to stop blaming me as all I've done is take him in, feed him and try and support him. Only he can want to change, want to stop drinking and want to make something of his life.
He isn't a very good lier so that's why she found out within 10 minutes of seeing him after being gone for 5 days. If you're going to try and lie about something as serious as disappearing and not telling anyone where you are you have to make sure that 1. You aren't seen by anyone you know. 2. You don't keep any records of where you have been.
If I wanted to pull a stunt like he did I'd of drawn a load of money out the bank where I live and then gone away. Any receipts I would make sure were disposed of before going within even 10 miles of my house and I'd ensure I had a good explanation before I got home.
Before he left here I said to him "what are you going to say when she asks you EXACTLY where you have been. Where did you stay etc.." he responded 'I will just tell her I was out, she won't ask where I stayed'. His girlfriend is a smart woman and he didn't think that she'd ask. Jesus he didn't play it down very well and now he has lost his only friend, other than her anyway.
People do a lot of seemingly stupid things in the name of love, leave wives and kids, steal, murder, the power of the other half can be a very powerful thing and clouds judgement. Sounds like he is being a bit of a s*** at the moment but as you're such a good friend you'll be the first one he runs to when it all goes wrong and he needs somebody
Diz - just draw back from it. If his girlfriend is so controlling and thinks you're a bad influence on him, there ain't much you can do about that - that's her perspective. All you can do is say "hey ho, that's life" and try not to be bitter about it.
You never know - if it doesn't work out with your friend's girlfriend, he might just need a mate to come back to. You can be bigger than this, and hold no hard feelings against your pal - he's been given an ultimatum and had to make difficult choices.
boxtops: He may of been given an ultimatum but he is still in contact with my mum. I don't think it is his girlfriend who is pulling the strings here - I think it is him.
He is blaming me for all the fall out between him and his partner. All because I finally told her the truth after he had already been found out. I know it doesn't make sense but I know that if he wanted to be friends with me he would find a way. He knows that if he had contacted me and said "look I really need to sort things out with her and I can't talk to you" I would understand - which I would.
your friend disappeared for 5 days, he is an alcoholic, stayed at your house, he lied where he was, you lied where he was. id imagine the GF wants him to stay away from his friends , maybe to get sober, id just accept the situation at the moment, you may well see your friend in the future,