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fiftyplusfive | 20:09 Mon 09th Sep 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

.Hope this is right,asking for a friend whose computer is dead


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Hi fiftyplusfive, all I keep seeing in this is..... robotman, I don't think for a minute that it is, anyway are you sure it's ditloid not a dingbat. hope you get this resolved.
three men in a boat ???
looks good TheWinner, I did think about that one but couldn't explain the (r).
so it is a Dingbat then?
Complete guess from me too.
lol I was even looking the names of the three men ! Oh I think it's supper time now.
goodnight katburd, it is bedtime for me, see you soon.
night night, don't let these puzzles keep you awake now.x
You do know that I daren't answer any more now, or else I am in big trouble don't you?
Question Author
Thanks very much.
you're welcome from us both.x

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