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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:34 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Tuesday. Lots of wet stuff yesterday, but it's fine today, so for. On the canal today so I hope it stays that way!

Have a happy day everyon e.


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Gee thanks wendi. Just what we needed! :o}
Dee - apple AND orange?? - didn't realise Mrs O was THAT loaded
15 sats? it a good time to remind you all of a certain birthday on Christmas day ??
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Mind what you're saying Thursday minty. I'm on the canal, I don't want to have to jump in to cool me lugs down! :-D
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Now I wonder who that is then minty! :o}
Wendi, you can go off people you know :-)

Minty, I've emailed Nun and reminded her that full details will be required later!!
I was going to wear green, but will do that at the next meet-up :-)
Think mazie is stopping for coffee one day next week too !
The east coast won't recover for a while :-D
Never mind you will all love it when it comes but it is the early build up that makes it so long. A neighbour in my street put their outside lights up in October which is far too early.
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I can well live without silly season. It's too commercial and has lost all meaning. Bah humbug! to quote Welshie!
In my favourite shop last week, I mentioned that stuff has been moved (again),
guy told me they were making space for the Xmas stock!!

October, Wendi?!! I'd shoot my neighbour :-D

Time to wriggle with the pooch, take care peeps and hope you all have a lovely Tuesday xxxx
Christmas should not start till December's a law ..should be anyway....when we were all wee the fairies would put up deccies on Christmas eve !
Bye Albs x
Agree MMxx Not my next door neighbour thank goodness Alba xx
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Have a happy wiggle albs. xxxxx

minty the tradition is that the decorations go up on Christmas eve and come down on 12th night. I've seen some seasonal stuff already!
Time I wasn't here - day is whizzing by today......... See you all tomorrow - whatever you are doing - stay safe
Time for breccie.can smell the broon wafting
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Have a good'un Welshie :o}

Have a happy day minty and everyone else. I must shove off too. Bis den morgen meine freunde!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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