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queenofmean | 12:16 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
but just thought you may want to know that there has been not much change in Ricky's condition. While there are some small changes each day but there isn't much else I can say at this time. He is fully aware of those around him and he responds well to visitors, but he still has a bit of a long haul ahead.

Till Next Time..



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He'll get there, queenie.
I think it's good news that he's aware of his surroundings.
it will take time queenie x
The healing process can take time
Will carry on holding your friend in my thoughts and prayers.x
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He will he has a lot of support behind him so with a bit of luck we will all get there together.

Thank you Cupid :) xx
there is always hope and the power of praye, looks like its going to be long haul but he will make it, so that's a little bit of good news.
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Thank You Dee

It is amazing I agree and I love how so many people in and outside the Speedway community are supporting him and following his progress and are willing to keep him in there thoughts and prayers. It may not seem like much but it means a lot :)
Watched a bit of Speedway on Saturday morning, the bit I watched never mentioned him :-(
They might have before I tuned in though.

Responding well to visitors is a good sign queenie xxx
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Hi Alba

They usually do mention him at some point. Not much but just to say that he's still in a coma and that everybody is thinking of him. He did get a mention in the GP on Saturday night and about the meeting that is being held for him at the end of the month.

It does, I know he will wake when he is ready but I just hope its not too long xx

good afternoon queen, thank you for keeping us informed

small, but positive steps forward - that is the key

your dedication to this man is admirable, and we are all behind you
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Good Afternoon Excel :)

I don't know about many other clubs but at Berwick it is very much like one big family. Ricky is one of us and I would walk to the moon and back for him, or in fact for any of the riders that became injured like this. I'm glad that I have you all behind me to pick me up when I'm down.

As they say it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you get there. I know he will :)

It will take some time, but hopefully he will make a full recovery. My thoughts and prayers are still with him.
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many thanks Marval :)

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