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You Can Lead A Duck...

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stewey | 15:43 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
to lager, but you can't make him drink it.


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Is that duck wearing a nappy?
Hello Stewey! I don't think any duck could match your lager-drinking ability. lol
Gness' daughter lives in Devon and Gness has a reputation for low flying ducks, dare I open the link? :-D
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Tilly2, if he is, it's probably fashioned from a scrap of old eiderdown.
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Society, are you inferring that I waddle home?
Lol...bless it. I love ducks.
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Well, I am shortly going to waddle across the field and dip my beak into a flagon of ale. Quackity quack (cheerio and cheers).

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You Can Lead A Duck...

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